
By Dotspan


Disappointments and tears today. . . We arrived at the meet and Jason, our 11 year old grandson, greeted us in tears. At weigh-in he was 2 lbs over weight and was told he had to "cut" weight before he could wrestle. . His coach was wonderful and told him his options and asked what he wanted to do. Jason responded that he wanted to "GO FOR IT" and not give up. He was determined.

So he was told to put on all the clothes he had and he began to run around the hallways and track, spit, sweat, urinate, take off underwear and socks and maybe he had a shot. We couldn't believe it -- from a grandparents viewpoint something was not right and we were feeling very frustrated seeing him so stressed and teary. We had a difficult time keeping our mouths shut.

Finally at the next weigh-in he made it . . .and the matches began. However he pinned his first opponent but it was not Jason's day. The next 2 matches were close but he didn't win.

I took many shots and felt this one was the best capturing a "moment" in Jason's
day. Jason is the wrestler in black with white ear guard.

Jason is a winner in our eyes. We love him so. Our hearts were with him . . . we felt his pain but we also saw a Jason who is determined to continue training and competing . We're so proud of him . . .

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