What Will My Stump Say About Me?

Back to work this morning, and it was good. Lots of resonating energy all around the campus. I spent the afternoon getting acquainted with a new coaching opportunity in which my daughter (smile moment) will be assisting me. This evening we celebrated the call of a new assistant pastor at our church. A full day for sure.

I saw this remnant of a tree this morning and it beckoned me to capture it. I suppose it has a story to tell, don't we all? My guess is that it's seen many beautiful spring days, the worst of winter, and even the warmest of summer afternoons. But now it's just a reminder of what was, a plague of sorts honoring it's time here, a memory to those that it touched.

It may just be an image of mortality. What will my stump say about me? Will it boast of spring days? Will it reflect the strength of a winter storm? Will it leave behind an image of a lovely summer evening?

With my leaves thinning, and my bark starting to show some signs of age, it's time to rest these tired branches.

Pray on...

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