Blippish Columbia

By OllieG90

Date Night: Mexico

Katie and I have come up with a new Date Night idea. We both love to travel but we have neither unlimited time, nor unlimited money, with which to travel in, so we have decided that once a month we would dedicate a 'Date Night' to a country and explore their history, language, cuisine and music.

For our first Date Night we chose Mexico, a country close to both our hearts with its Hispanic heritage and delicious food. We decided to tackle two Mexican Dishes; Tamales and a Mole, both from the Oaxacan region of the country. In all honesty, two dishes was a tad ambitious as we ended up spending a good 6 hours in the kitchen in total, but buying the food and then cooking the recipes was a blast! Pictured is the filling for our Tamales de Cambray

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