
By H0lly

Harry the Huntsman

Firstly, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beautiful sister Kerry. This is probably not an appropriate photo for such an event, but the truth is I didn't actually see Kez today - but I did send her flowers at work to make up for it!

Instead, today I ventured down to Traralgon with Jonathan and Damian in preparation of Josh and Courtney's wedding tomorrow. We had to battle through peak hour traffic so we were a little late for the rehearsal but arrived in plenty of time for dinner. After which, Damian went to Josh's house to spend the night with the boys and Jon and I headed to the Traralgon house.

Lucky for us, Sue and Pete had stayed in T-gon for the weekend so we had good company and conversation for the night. And I was introduced to their other house guest, Harry. Then it was to bed for some much needed beauty sleep!

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