Life from a City

By LeggeAngie

The architecture of wards....

DDWs February 2014 Alphabet Challenge - W is for wards, hospital wards
Bobsbitz59 Technique Challenge - Architecture

Architecture is always more important than we sometimes realise. Particularly in hospitals. The emotions of patients, and staff, can be affected by the building. Not to mention the efficiency and cleanliness. Hospital architecture is particularly fascinating. The place needs to maximise efficiency, and yet not feel too utilitarian, but have a sense of ..... pleasantness (for wont of a better word!).

This is the Bexley Wing of St James' Royal Infirmary in Leeds. Most people photograph the curved side (which I have done in the past), or on the other side, at dusk, the stairwell looks great. But I think the patterns, used on all sides of the building also look great.

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