Moments like these

By MichelleandJohn

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From a bad lot!!! Do you remember that moment, when you became a mum or dad the happiness, the love and the amazement you had for this very special little baby...
Well today, john's sister had that moment! We are so thrilled and very excited for both D and B. Their beautiful little girl Caoimhe, came into this world at 2.20 pm, at the impressive weight of 7lb 12oz!!!
So today, we are happy and we celebrate, but for a moment there is sadness as we think of her big brother,Cathal. Who came into this world on 18 Dec 2011 and left them all too soon. And we are sad for the time they did not have with him. But we know that Caoimhe already has a very special guardian angel.

The kids and I are very excited and cannot wait to meet her. So welcome baby Caoimhe ( that's what the sign is meant to say).

We have no doubts that your Mum and Dad will love you to the moon and back.

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