These oaks.......

......are 500 years old!
They stand with many others at Lochwood ,around the remains of the Johnstonebridge Castle.
Even in todays rain ,it is a lovely place to be ,quiet and peaceful.
And impossible not to feel the dignity of these venerable old men mulling over all that they have seen!
When they were young ,the Spanish Armada was on the go ,and they were already old when the Jacobites passed by!
When you think about it its a lot of years!
And as I sat and thought about it ,I realise that 500 blips is also a lot of photos!!
And time ; searching the horizon,in the hope of something!
And scratching of head,wondering what on earth to write!!

Are we completely off our rockers???

So I asked the oaks.......who just shrugged and murmmered " Does it matter"?

And they are quite right!!


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