If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

100 blips (Sort of)

Well according to blip this is my 100 posting. According to me it is my 69th. The reason is an idiosyncrasy of the way blip works. Back in 2010 when guest subscription became available I became a guest to be able to comment on postings by my wife, 2 daughters and brother. Then in December 2013 I decided to start posting as a member so that I could record the changes in my life following the hip replacement. However the blip database for reasons best known to itself records me as having joined in April 2010. So my 100 is made up of what I feel are "real postings" and some back blips I put up before I realised what was going on.

Now I won't ever be able to proudly say I posted for X length of time without a break as my record will show many breaks and some years of nothing. Ah well you can't win them all.

As my journal began because of my hip replacement I thought I would make the 100th appropriate. So here you have one of my heparin syringes (only 9 more to go Hurray!) and 2 soluble paracetamol tablets.

It has been a generally quiet day no great amount of walking, a run out to our holiday lodge to keep CC company as she continued some of the out of season tasks. Walking is progressing well and I have realised today that much of what I feel is muscles doing things they haven't done for a while.

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