
By dunkyc

M' (former) Colleagues

Just over three years ago, I left behind some colleagues as I was offered a job working for the company that currently employs me (gor' bless 'em).

There was a few of us chaps that all did a relatively similar job (with the exception of the fella on the far left who was one of our bosses), which was effectively client management.

Every now and then, we bump into each other or maybe squeeze in a cheeky round of golf here and there, but tonight was the first night that we'd all been together for quite some time.

The chap on the left gave us all a bell and asked if we wanted to join him on a table at the annual CII dinner. Normally, I would have run a mile, but that fact that we were all going to be there was reason enough for me.

I managed to crow bar myself into a stale tux - which must have shrunk the last time I took it to a cleaners - and off I toddled.

We had a cracking night, reliving the comedic highlights of a shared office life (most of these stories falling into the "you had to be there" category) and of course, partaking of a few sherberts.

It only hit me the next day that it had felt like seeing members of my family for the first time in a long while, which I guess is a good indication of the high regard in which I hold these chaps.

A fine night and also my second outing in four weeks!

I need to slow down a bit...

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