Hot and cold
Lovely day. Not only did I get a lie in (best night's sleep I've had in ages - about 11 hours) but I also had my baking time. Flapjacks, scones, banana cakes and Cavern Cakes, recipe courtesy of Hebs Journal (for which thank you very much - they are delicious and will be made often I think).
After the baking extravaganza Katherine and I went for a little walk. Her camera had run out of batteries so she borrowed mine and we chatted about silhouettes and I tried to explain aperture, shutter speed and even ISO to her. (I was particularly happy with the ISO buckets of light analogy, which I'm sure is adapted from something smart I read somewhere.) I did take this shot, but she also had fun with silhouettes - easier for her as there's less kneeling in the mud needed when you're eight.
There's a sunset over here. On our way home they had nearly finished putting up the Christmas lights in our village. This, along with the putting up of the Christmas decorations in the bakery near our house has the kids in such a fever pitch of excitement that I fear they may explode before the end of November.
Roast lamb tonight. I'm in charge of Yorkshire Puddings (they count as baking and therefore are always my job). I know they don't really go with roast lamb, but with a son allergic to beef, we don't get much roast beef around here.
Oh, forgot to say why hot and cold. Baking is hot work, so I felt too warm to put a coat on for my walk. And was cold as a result.
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