Time travelling

The 31 should get me there on time,
but just in case I’ll catch the 17.

Ah, the 17’s delayed, coming in at 32.
I wonder, should I get the 31?

Tedium. The train is crawling.
Has the one behind us overtaken yet?

At last, we’re almost there,
three minutes to connect, but...

grief, yet another light. Finally
the train disgorges us onto

a platform filled with wheelie bags
half-attached to humans.

I run, and swerve and dodge,
race up the steps, across the bridge,

down the other side towards
the open doors and then they close.

And my train goes, without me.

Repeat x 3. I had time to discover everything photogenic there is on Maidenhead station, and Reading station, and quite a lot more that isn't at all photogenic.

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