Cabinet level security

What with the UK and the Scottish Government cabinets meeting on the same day in Aberdeen in different places (what a coincidence eh? Cough), and MSP Mike Russell giving a public speech and Q&A session on Scottish Independence this afternoon at work, a certain team member felt the need to ramp up my security pass to supreme goblin level 5 with a more up to date photo. I'm looking pale, but at least it shows I'm growing out my hair and no longer have a monobrow.

Back to the serious business of politics and while there were no fine pieces supplied for an audience with Education Mike and the Principal this afternoon, I liked listening to him, but that's nae a shocker since I'm a yes girl. As for the Cameron cowboys, I think they were playing at helicopter rides over the North Sea for their first visit to Scotland in living memory and too feert to play with their Scottish counterparts. They didn't even deign to speak to the locals, but hid on top of a roof. Perhaps they were worried they might catch nationalismitis if they spoke to the natives.

Working late tonight and there was yet another independence debate in the atrium, this time hosted by the student union, I heard some passions spill over, though my focus at that point was buying a cup of tea to get me through the rest of the evening. Looking forward to wearing my updated staff badge when I meet the deputy principal tomorrow morning.

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