
By TeaAddict

Mr M, Superstar

If only all days were like today!

Got a tonne of that pesky adminny stuff done today.. made a pretty impressive dent in my to-do list!

Went swimming.. yes - you did read that right.. I actually managed to find time today to do some bona fide exercise! Very enjoyable it was too!

Dinner AND dessert had already been made yesterday and were served up in a whirl of domestic-goddessness before 8pm in the evening..

..and then this evening, had a very pleasant hour playing with the cameras - playing with star bursts - as Mr M is kindly demonstrating in today's blip.

..and it's still only 11pm!

The only explanation for this unprecedented super-organised day, is that there must have been a disruption in the space-time continuum and somehow today was five hours longer than it should have been.

I can think of no other explanation!

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