Stealth Badger

By StealthBadger

Gus looks lost...

Not much blipworthy today, its way to rotten outside to inspire me into much.

I feel so bummed out today for no reason so I thought Gus (I just named him) looked as lost and pee'd off as me.
The original plan was take pictures of nice brightly coloured things and cheer the hell up. But all the fish turned round just as the picture took and showed me their... bad side and Gus didn't but still managed to look... well... bummed.

Its drab, rainy, cold and june... whats that all about? I'm no sun worshiper but I do look forward to not wearing a jacket once in a while or just not freezing my rear off completely!

Ah well, tomorrow will be better! It will it will it will.....

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