A Study in Patience

They also serve who only stand and wait.... John Milton

And it came to pass that his Lordship did stand and wait without so much as a murmur as I tramped around the floor space high up in Quartermile hoping to find a blip.
In the end it was the unaccustomed sight of him standing still and patient that was the iconic blip for this morning.

He was being extra nice to me today in the hope that I will chum him to the dentist this afternoon for an appointment to do something painful to an infection at the root of one of his teeth.

'Painful' was the word he used, although I assured him if he shut his eyes before the 6" needle was flourished like a rapier from behind the dentist's back, and counted to 5, he wouldn't feel a thing.

I might have to buy him a toy soldier if he is brave and doesn't cry.

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