Looking up...

By tralala

Work in progress

I haven't touched this picture at all, would you believe the sky was actually this gorgeous today? Ok, not all day but for a large part of it.

This building is going up near my work on the waterside and it's very interesting to see it changing. At the moment you can clearly see the steel frame (at least I'm assuming its steel) with huge holes in, presumably to make it lighter.

I had a nice walk around at lunchtime (in honour of the unions, Dave!) and it was one of those rare days (for me) when I had a choice of things to blip. It's interesting though, when I gave up blipping in 2011 after six months my journal looked completely different - partly because it was summer but partly because my life has changed. I have a lot more urban pictures now. My preference is still for rural pictures, incidentally, so it's a challenge.

I gave up back then because right from the first month I had gaps in my journal and I couldn't help feeling like I had failed in what I set out to do. It was disheartening. So far, so good this time! About 45 days in a row I think.

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