
I had a photo assignment today covering a family who lives on an old Christmas tree farm. The man who had originally built the house in the 1940s was an aviation mechanic, but his passion was growing Christmas trees, which he did for many years. Many people who grew up in town remember getting their trees there every year.

The current family, who has owned the property for about eight years, has a nine-year-old son who is amazingly well-versed on the history of the tree farm and its previous owners. An historian in the making, he's a purist who not only enjoys carrying on the tradition of selling Christmas trees, but continues to use many of the original tools and props that have descended down from the original owner. He found this old sign in a shed, and when his father suggested they trace over the letters to make them more legible, the young boy wouldn't allow it; it wouldn't be true to the history of the tree farm, he insisted.

So, the faded sign reading "Sound Horn For Trees" has been brought out once again in preparation for the upcoming season, and another generation and family carries on the traditions at the local Christmas tree farm.

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