
By Zaza

Where it all began!

So, my labour started at about 2am this morning! I managed to get to 6.30am before waking the other half up, I decided he'd be better off having a good kip! We phoned the maternity unit at about 8.30am to let them know and they said if I was fine to just stay at home as long as possible. We lit the fire, put the tv on and dealt with each contraction as it happened. This stool seemed to be my object of choice for helping pass the contractions, Tia decided it was her stool! She stayed very close to me the whole way through and was very calm, amazing puppy!
By about 2.30pm it was time to jump in the car and head to the unit. My parents got the call to come and collect Tia and we had a speedy journey to the maternity unit. Not the most comfortable journey of my life!! On arrival we were taking straight to the delivery room with the water bath, it seemed as if I'd managed to get quite far along at home! Blinds down, lights dimmed, playlist on... 2 hours later little Archie made a safe arrival into the world! An amazing natural experience, this short summary isn't nearly enough but it's a little snippet! Photos of his days to follow...

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