Help!!!!!??? Advice needed!

It has a life of its own!!

I found this out of date (ehem by 6 years!!) tin of treacle in the back of my cupboard yesterday and opened it. There was a bit of a pop as it opened and then I was unable to close it again.. this morning I have found it climbing out of its tin!!! Is it safe to eat? Can I make a gingerbread with it? or will the gingerbread also climb out of its tin? Whilst examining it I found a warning on the lid that says *Dispose of on Expiry* . I have never seen anything with that warning on it. Having researched it a bit on the internet it seems the danger is from explosion!! it still edible? after all it is just sugar?..isn't it?

Any advice greatly welcomed..

I think I will make a cake with it.. but if I don't blip tomorrow it will be because of the treacle!.. and if so please be warned about the dangers of keeping treacle for too long in your cupboard!!!!

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