Aynil posted a picture of her parents’ wedding and then Paladian did the same. I could have posted a picture of my parents’ wedding and it would have been very similar to Paladian’s, as they too were married during the war, in similar circumstances.

However, one of the (many) things I am trying to do at the moment is the sorting and scanning of a collection of old family photographs, to put with all the family history research I have done over the last few years, and I came across these photographs of my grandparents. I assume that they were taken for their marriage which took place in Bradford in September 1915.

In this year of remembering the First World War, it seemed an appropriate blip, as at the time of the marriage my grandfather had already joined up and is down on the certificate as a Private in the Army Service Corps (Motor Transport Section).

Hard to believe that this took place almost 100 years ago.

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