
By WeeDragon_J

Y is for Yew

Went with MT to Cammo Estate to see the snowdrops in the garden. Very wet, windy and muddy. Lots of birds to listen to. Wee camera with me. Took Blips of reddish-roots and leaves with seeds on and then this one which I wanted to look over the 'shoulder' of the trunk up a branch to the messy fresh regrowth.

Then we went to Forthview Cafe at Silverknowes Golf Course for tea, toasties and cherry scones. Don't need to play golf to go munching. Relax and chat over a nice view of the Forth and Cramond Island.

Looking at the bark reminded me of the nurse in hospital that took Jim out for walks and was helping him learn the different trees through touch of the bark and smell of the broken twigs.

Maybe the camera needs some testing on barks.

Emergency Blip of the yellow flags blowing in the wind at the golf course just in case ;-)

The yellow thing in the sky shone on the way home.

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