The Red Lichtie

By kaz125

Super major

A walk along the beach at Westhaven today and I managed to mess up my pictures. I thought I had the camera on Speed priority as normal but it wasn't until I checked back a few photos that I realised I'd had it on full manual and had managed to overexpose almost everything - drat! This was one of the few I managed to save and luckily one of my favourites. this tractor looks like it's well past its sell by date but adds interest to the area round the fishermens huts.
It was also the first time Stina had been to Westhaven in years (our usual haunt is Easthaven) so she was well pleased with the beach - loads of sea glass to collect and she even got some pieces of pottery so I can see a return visit for her quite soon. I think she also fancies one of the houses for a studio!

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