My Aim is True


Legends in their own lunchtime

As most of you will have sussed it was the David77 Mosque blunch today in Edinburgh. Wow, check out the turn-out. Joe must feel all warm and fluffy inside after these lunches.

The usual suspects were there. But I met some new folks too. Plastic Shoes Photos who I only just realised has the profile pic that I love. meeting everyone all at once, it's really tricky trying to put the blips to the names.

And I got to meet Hope, Soob and LLCoolJim. And what lovely folks they were too. And LLCoolJim says he's going to get back onto blipping again. Wayhay.
And on the way out Her ladyship and I had a good old blether about her wee laddie.

But I tell you what. It's bloody cold at the mosque, sitting outside in November.

The afternoon was spend dealing with some shit and I managed to stop it before it got to the fan.

I was going to blip some tat from the religious tat shop, but the bus came too quickly. So you'll have to make do with two of the suicidal falafels from yesterday (yes, I know it's crap, but it was too cold and wet to find anything better)

In other news (and totally unrelated to anyone I met today)...aren't some folk complete and utter tossers? Narrow-minded and bigoted doesn't even cover it. Anyway.....(possibly more of that tomorrow, but at the moment there's a a drink with my name on it, waiting to be drunk)

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