Cannon Street Station

tonight I really wanted to leave the office on the nose but nope I got chatting and forgot, so it was a quick zoom to Southwark Bridge and grabbed a couple of low tide shots. You can see how high the tide has been recently wit the wet bits and those walls are high!!

Can you believe I had an email today from a lady in Aus who is researching for one of my grandmother's cousins who is still living and healthy aged 82!!! Her father was the youngest and my grandmother's mother was the oldest but for me its wonderful especially as its my circus family - her father was a tightrope walker. Although just like the stories we all heard as children no-one believed them, I'm guessing that means no photographic evidence but I can't wait to find out more. Hopefully two new snippets of information may enable me to track more on the circus. This is not a distant contact this lady (not the one researching) is a proper first cousin of my grandmother and I'm sooooooo excited

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