Would I Lie To You?

I (Annie) had an extra day off from work to recover from jet lag - a good thing really as I've been nursing a cold which hasn't helped with the sleeping. So as poor Chris got up at 5.30am to go to his first day back at work, I was able to get a bit more sleep in.

In the evening we were both meant to be going to Pinewood Studios to see the filming of "Would I Lie To You?", the comedy panel show. Unfortunately Chris had a late finishing meeting at work so it was just me. Getting over feeling a bit awkward on my own, I discovered the upside of being a individual attendee: they can use you to fill in gaps in the audience. The gap where I was put? Front row, about 8 feet away from David Mitchell. I managed to get through the evening without flinging myself on him in a completely fan-girl way.

Without revealing the guests on tonight or too much of the set, this was the sneaky view taken from my seat beforehand. It was an extremely funny evening.

It was also a first trip out for my new company car - a funky blue Mini. What a fun car to drive.

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