A Jay a Day Keeps the Doctor Away...


Priscilla’s none too pleased with this nasty weather we’ve been having, as you can see by her expression. The poor girl’s even pretty broken up about missing out on that trip south that all her summer friends took last fall. But there is one thing that's kept her from really loosing it… She recently purchased this lovely (faux) fur coat. Isn’t it the most puffy, warm, luxurious thing ever?! She looks (and feels) quite glamorous in it, even on a miserable day like today!

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it dozens of times this winter… “Today was the coldest day so far this winter…” How does it keep topping itself???? It’s got to get warmer some time right? This time it was the combo of Cold + Damp + Bitter Wind. Tomorrow night the low is predicted to be -17(F) degrees… Oh burr boy…

Had Priscilla not blown in, LOL, this lovely squirrel would have been my blip today. What a lovely tail!

Half way through the week! :))

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