
Alex has the flu or something similar .. might be boy flu or man flu but he does seem to suffer when he has been in AC like on the train. So do we sometimes. So I get to to do the Good Mummy bit even though he is 33! so I went to the local Ayurveda chemist.. Ayurveda is based on natural remedies for whole being health and is centuries old in India.. and the man (whose photo I grabbed when he was not looking hence the top of his head is chopped off) gave me some pills and a pot and I asked what was in the pot so he opened it up and typical India the foil inside was already open and the pot was half full .. looked like tar.. It is like the way that people buy cigarettes here.. one or two at a time .. there is a shop next door to the house where we stay here and we often see them buying things singly but I never knew you could buy half a bottle of medicine.. Imagine asking for or getting that in Boots!! And I got him some of the small Keralan bananas which are delicious and supposed to be cooling my local ladies tell me .. and curd .. so we shall see. I was with him all day yesterday so selfishly hoping i don't get this too..

Oh and the pile of newspapers is to wrap the medicines in which is done very carefully and held with an elastic band.. newspapers are recycled here in all sorts of ways.. in the breakfast place they are to wipe your hands on after washing ..

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