Tales from the Swamp

By fatmungo

Anyone for the Kessel Run?

Behold our workplace Millennium Falcon. Last friday I was part of the group who was building this, although I didn't get much time to do any due to having work to do! Looks pretty sweet now its finished. The reason we have the Millenium Flacon in the "right" city is the the "wrong" city have the Death Star model. I have a DeLorian from back to the future on my desk to keep me company. I should blip that one day.

It feel like I have made it through the mists of uncertainty and that new plans and priorities and forming. It's a good feeling after the maelstrom of the last week or so.

Food = Mid-week Quiche remains (yum)
Place = I never really go anywhere interesting!
TV = The Good Wife (it was AMAZING!)

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