Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

New Welly Boots

Glad to get today over with. The anniversary of Henry's death. Other years Mike has booked the day off but this year he's already had quite a bit of time off for various things and somehow we thought it would be okay. Next year we definitely need to all be together on this day as it wasn't really.

Toby was at pre-school this morning so me and Eva went into town to choose a birthday present for Toby for next week. Eva also did quite well out of the trip managing to get a new top, some wellies and a handbag! I just cant resist little girls things! She put her wellies on tonight and refused to take them off. We had to prise them off her at bed time!

We all went to little owls playgroup this afternoon and saw Emily, Ben, Martha and Felicity.

My sister stayed over tonight as she is all over the place with her job at the moment so it was nice to catch up. Eva has miraculously gone to bed in her own cot and awake the past three nights (previously unheard of!) but we had to have her in our room tonight so Andrea could have the loft and she didn't want to go down in the travel cot at all. Especially when she could hear we had a guest for dinner!

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