The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

'ello, 'ello, 'ello ..

I seem to be involved in a rather historic police case as a minor witness. Two police came up from London last week and quizzed me - they were very nice but very thorough - it's tricky trying to remember stuff that happened 35 years ago (I suddenly feel very old!)

They came back today with a statement for me to approve and sign .. in the middle of the approving I suddenly noticed a sparrowhawk in the garden and grabbed my camera to take a shot through the filthy window! Here it is ..

She should have been my blip, but I'm annoyed that she's looking in the wrong direction ..
The police took my sudden distraction in their stride!

When I hear about the cost of some cases I couldn't imagine how it mounts up .. but now I can!

I am a very minor piece in the whole jigsaw - yet two police officers have spent two days travelling from London to Yorkshire to get my statement - how much is that going to be? £1,600? More? The first time they came by train and it wasn't a Supersaver ticket!

After they went, the sun came out and my best fox turned up - so you must indulge my second fox blip in a row, I'm afraid.

Mama fox and I hung out on the lawn in the sun for a good half hour - this is her looking a bit bored about it all and having a good ole yawn :)

Good and very furry, viewed LARGE!

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