City Circle

I'm not overweight but I am developing a belly; which on a thin man isn't ideal really, so I've gone onto the 5:2 diet, which is when you have 2 days a week where you eat no more than 600 calories (500 if you're a woman. Discrimination or what!!) and on the other days you can eat normally.

First day was Tuesday and by 10pm I had enough calories in the bank to be able to have a beer and a small gin and tonic! But it was on an empty stomach so I felt rubbish the next day.

Today was better - porridge in the morning, skipped lunch, salmon and boiled potatoes for tea and I think I can have a Pale Ale and squeeze in under 600 cals. Priorities! (No Gin and Tonic though).

Lunchtime we headed for the City Park where my sympathetic colleagues Simon and Ryan had Fish Butties, while I had a nice dose of air. Hmmph.

But I quite like the feeling of really looking forward to the next day when I can eat properly. Bacon sandwich for breakfast. Huge lunch. Pizza for tea. :o)

That was a really dull write up wasn't it? No it's OK. You don't have to be nice.

Off for that beer now.

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