
By tufty

Central Budapest.

Odd to look at it, but this plot has probably stood empty since WWII. It's in the heart of Budapest, in the middle of the theatre district, very close to the opera and what was the school of ballet (the socialists sold it for a song a while back to a company that sold it on immediately for a huge profit...the usual thing these days). This neck of the woods is littered with plots like this and other ones with houses on the verge of collapse. The disgraced ex-mayor (currently being held without bail) and various other socialist cronies in local government tried (and succeeded in a large number of cases) to force people out of their council homes by stating that the council had no intention of doing anything to the buildings and would happily wait and watch the buildings collapse around the residents' ears. The residents were offered a pittance to move out, and the buildings were swiftly sold to foreign investment opportunists for a song. Everyone loses...apart from the foreign investment opportunists who sell the properties at the real market value immediately, and the socialists, who made more than enough in kick-backs...the ex-mayor has 14 cars and a plane, something which seems a bit excessive for someone on an official salary. Just to reinforce the lack of concern for the very people who voted them into power in the district, the socialist-controlled (without a mayor!) district council has been paying the disgraced ex-mayor's salary into his bank account since his arrest in February. The local party rejected all attempts to stop paying the salary of a public servant unable to serve the public due to his arrest on the suspicion of criminal financial mismanagement, but apparently, the thief himself, has now asked them to stop.

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