Eee! I'm that MAD I could tear paper.

Got it uploaded, got ≥90% of my wittering done and POOF there it was gone. Would I like to keep the one I had or upload another?
"Keep it!" Says I. Whereupon I was informed it had failed to upload. BUGGER!
Dash up to Carlisle, found what she was looking for in BHS, saw it was twice the price and decided to get internet version.
In the "Centre" of "The Lanes" there used to be a water feature of sorts. There an elephant of doubt as to whether it dried up as a consequence of "The Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974."
(Let us NOT forget the "etc.") or merely Joe Public's urge to part with ANY rubbish he happens to be carrying into the nearest empty receptacle irrespective of its intended use.
Be that as it may, it went dry. Today there was a HUGE fence around it, sufficiently high to prevent my usual trick of using the camera to "peep" over the top. There was, however, a convenient gap at each corner ... Thus. I wonder what stage 3's going to present us with.

It looked like this once, it'll be interesting to see what's next.

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