Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Basking Wood Pigeon

A selection box of weather today, nearly everything, rain, sleet, hail and sunshine, no choices given though, you're getting it whether you want it or not.
Still it's more reassuringly unpredictable early spring type weather
Not at my best today, very tired and sore, didn't sleep too well last night and overslept this morning :-(
Online OU tutorial this evening, my laptop locked up, then a mad panic to download an app on iTunes so I could follow it on my iPad.
Worried now if I've taken on too much with it now that I'm so close to being back to full time work.
Sat out for a while on the naughty step for a while looking at Orion and Taurus, pondering, realising that in a few weeks they will be past their best for seeing from my vantage point, drowned out by street lighting.
Seeing wasn't too great this evening.
I spend too much time pondering, the questions only require yes or no, logic 1 or logic 0 in the day job parlance, if only it was that easy
The garden birds were full of the joys of spring for a while too today, that was until the crows gate crashed the party. The wood pigeon was his usual calm self though
Hope that you've all had a good day

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