Rain Stopped Play

Ac..tu..ally it didn’t. We just kept walking. The Bossess had dropped us off round the other side of the lake on the way to a client and in the first few steps The Boss had pulled the AW (Aww it’s wet) cover out for his camera sling and turned his jacket collar up. I checked my curls and decided that no adjustment was required.

Oh AND A huge thankyou for helping my friend acyclinggranny to break stratospheric records for her jato bottle powered bike. It set an all time record for her journal so was probably worth the nervous breakdown that she was having at the time. No dog curls were singed in the performance. Woofs all round.

Anyway as we walked (just LOVE that word) walked (again) around the lake the rain came and went and when we got to this spot it was coming in a little squall so The Boss was pleased about the wether seals (keeps the sheep out) on his camera.

The Boss has just downloaded a new App for his fruitphone which is a pedometer based adventure game. You have to walk your way through the adventure and save the world. THIS has got to be good for ME. Stay tuned for updates. Oh and if you wake up tomoro you kno that it worked and the world was saved. Grateful folk may send cheese.

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