Some body.......

.......woke up too early!!
And its all my fault!
Being the roughie,toughie, mr macho wimp that I am ,I usually sleep in a cool, healthy ice cold bedroom!
Whilst I don't subscribe to the cold shower every morning brigade ,I have some vague notion its good for me!
But last night, I got hooked on reading a good book before I nodded off,and put the bedroom heater on for a bit!
At 3am I finally was able to put the book down..reluctantly.....but forgot the heater!
Woke this morning 9.30 to a delishiously warm bedroom and sussuration of unaccustomed sound!
This lovely tortoishell lady, having found my Frigidaire bedroom just perfect for hibernation last November had woken to the warmth and sunshine (yes...sunshine!) of a spring day! And was fluttering against the glass in a bid for freedom!
Alas, way too early!
So, I put her into a dark cardboard box in the cold loft,and just hope she hasn't used up too much of her precious energy reserves. And will go back to sleep!

Moral of this story. ......reading in bed too late should stop at 14 (when you discover girls!!) :-D

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