In my shopping yesterday I bought too many apples. I couldn't remember how many I needed for making mincemeat, so I bought 2 kilos to be safe. Turns out I needed 2 apples (not the 8 I have). I must have been thinking of chutney when I had my memory of endless apple chopping.
As these are cooking apples, not good for eating, I've been figuring out ways of using them up. So today I took a photo of them (left to right is a Cox's, an anonymous sweetish one my daughter likes, and finally the Bramleys cooking one) and cooked with them (mincemeat, mini apple pies and apple pockets - courtesy of the distracted hausfrau from whom I also basically (but accidentally - honest) nicked this shot. Err, thanks for both DH!)
The mincemeat is a 2-day process, so I'll see how that turns out tomorrow, but the apple pockets were pronounced delicious by me, Katherine and Mr B (despite it burning his mouth when I'd told him it wasn't really hot any more - oops). After another huge Mr B dinner, no-one has room for an apple pie, but they look yummy too.
So, only 4 apples to go. Any ideas? (Not chutney though - I don't like it much and we still have a few jars of the 2007 batch to get through!)
Mr B is watching something about fractals on the telly that is hurting my head, so I'm off to lounge around in blipworld for a while.
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