
By SilverImages

Head and Shoulders

Off to Warwick today to visit K2. Haven't seen her for what seems like forever, so looking forward to catching up and having a good cwtch. For the non-Welsh amongst you it's legal and it can be found on Google with or without parental controls.

K drove up so I had chance to watch the world go by. Water levels down compared to my trip a couple of weeks ago, can actually see the banks of the Severn now, although the fields are still flooded.

Arrived in good time after uneventful journey, treated to a nice brew on arrival. How quickly does time pass when you're enjoying yourself. No sooner had we arrived and exchanged the briefest of greetings over a cuppa [takes longer in Wenglish] than it was nearly 1pm and time for lunch.

Lovely bit of mind-reading by K2 meant we'd all agreed to head off to Leamington without the dreaded "oh, I don't mind, where do you want to go". Instant decision and we were away to re-visit a place we'd been to for a delightful breakfast a couple of lifetimes ago. Quite busy when we arrived but fortunately no problem with clearing a space for three little 'uns like us.

I did get a bit of a rollicking for daring to use 1600 speed setting for an indoor photo of the disaster area that was the table after the party had departed. "800 is plenty fast enough in here". Oh god, it's like me talking! Still, on the plus side I hear we may be having a visitor soon who shares my enjoyment of photography.

Settling down for bed I read a section from the "gift" book I was given last week, referring to a [male] sculptor in ancient Greece :
"For him, the stone was ready to disclose the divine image, provided he could become one with the stone and allow himself to be the instrument for this magical transformation".
Photography is like that for me.

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