
..1st harvest of the year today for the Hotel. They open tomorrow.

Some parsnip, schorzonera, salsify, swedes, brussels, broccoli, and a little salad. And some eggs.. Cleaned and weighed, invoice printed, and delivered. Stopped off in a lay-by on the way back and dug up some tree seedlings. They would only get cut down by the council later.. Got about 50 Scots pine and Sitka spruce (Christmas trees)..

Last night we were treated to a stunning show of the Northern lights. Oh how I'd love to blip them, but I couldn't get my camera to take a picture. Kept getting a flashing question mark signifying an error. The message was "Subject too dark, consider using flash". I had set the ISO to the highest setting, and aperture at f 3.5. I was in M mode, and trying a long exposure using the bulb setting. The shutter wouldn't open with the error message flashing. I tried changing all sorts of settings, even resetting factory settings without success.. A little cheesed off.

There were streaks of ribbon formations from the W horizon, glowing directly overhead and to the E horizon. Colours were green, red, pink and yellow, with pulses of brighter light traveling along the ribbons. Splendid..

This pic is rather boring, just some new Quicksilver Messenger Service CD's I've bought recently..


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