Joyous Day

There are distinct disadvantages to living isolated from the rest of the family - but then again do the grandparents rush to the hospital after the birth - no I don't think so it's a time for Mum, Dad, brothers and sisters to be with the new arrival.

I was approaching Plymouth when my phone rang, I can tell from the ring tone who it is so I immediately knew.

Welcome to the world;


Born at 1558 and weighing 7lbs 4oz Freya is my fourth grandchild and third granddaughter. A sister to Chloe and the youngest of my son Barry and his wife Janette.

I shall give them all a little time to settle before getting myself up to London to see them all.

Meanwhile there are things to be done;
Card to Chloe congratulating her on the arrival of her sister.
Flowers + Teddy to Freya to welcome her to the world
Tattoo on my upper arm, Freya's name needs to be added (plus Janette & Manolo) to the existing one.

One happy Granddad!!

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