
By juliebee

Off Target

Today, proper grown-ups got to sneak away from their desks for half an hour, make paper planes, and chuck 'em round their place of work. Naturally, it was all in the name of charidee.

Last year was the first Paper Plane competition in PQ, in aid of Children In Need. They brought it back this year and it was fun enough but it lacked the novelty of last year's event.

Two planes managed to get stuck, tip-first, in the balconies. If someone had actually *tried* to that it would've been impossible. These planes put a smile on my face and I was quite sorry when I saw the cleaner dislodging them with a mop. It took a surprising amount of effort to get rid of them!

I didn't enter it, btw. I'm crap at such things. Instead, I adopted my usual stance of 'point and shoot'... with my brand new D90.

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