litl hikes

By litl

bird on a rock

No moaning about the weather today. Loads of other problems but not a drop of rain to spoil my day.

First thing this morning I was making my usual mug of tea but instead of pouring boiling water into the teapot somehow it covered three of my fingers. Straight to the cold tap and wow, was it cold. I'm pleased to say the fingers are fine.

A day in Morecambe. Lots of bird activity. The tide was just on the way out and a flock of a few hundred Dunlin were having a feeding frenzy. Hundreds of Oystercatchers too, most of them standing on one leg, plus Curlews and Redshank.

Home to a load of missed phone calls and messages. Sainsburys to say they were having trouble processing my card and my Aunt to say that her grocery order hadn't arrived. All sorted now. Phew.

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