Stuff I've Seen & That

By trevtrev72

So I'm writing this at 19:22. I'm on a train and have been for 19 minutes. I've another 5 hours (at least) to Falmouth. Here are my thoughts:

- today was my last day at work and I finished on a high, smashing out some good ideas for studio birthday promo stuff. Felt like the first time I was able to show what I'm all about.

- it was nice everyone said goodbye to me.

- I made some ridiculously strong coffee after people complained about my weak one yesterday.

- overall this was a good placement, the guys and Claire, are great, especially the designers.

- it's a shame there was no pub lunch.

- I nabbed a week long placement to fill the gap I have next week. Which is pretty class.

- I've no idea why this is a list, "I've started so I'll finish"

- this weekend is gonna be a whirlwind.

- that is all for now

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