Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


That it for this small series of local pub signs (there's them there that will be relieved to hear that), I had only chosen those Hostelries close to the town centre and I'm sure there are a few more that have the swinging signs still in place, as time goes on I may well blip another.
The Yard, not a traditional pub name, recently closed down for a while due to selling some dodgy burgers or something, back open now and seems popular, not so sure if I'd bother though as the kitchens aren't the only thing you should be keeping clean!

Almost chose something different today, my intension was always five posts on the subject of sign but I had to put on my sympathetic baton today & accompany my lady for a MRI scan at Airedale, all week she's been worrying, all of her various phobias coming to the fore, bless her as she met the challenge and got through it (mind, she's been throwing up all evening) I took this candid shot of another lady awaiting her turn with my phone on its full zoom so some of the detail was lost but with a little help from Topaz Simplify I sort of like the ensuing painted effect.

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