Capital adventures

By marchmont

No place like home

One of the great things about blip is the ability to check back in an instant what was on the go a year ago, or two, or three. Blip tells me it's a year since Molly came home, so here she is again looking quite settled on her chair. Her mouth is slightly lopsided now, up on the right, down on the left. We don't know exactly what's causing it, except it's the result of a fight with next door's cat. The vet had a look and kind find anything wrong. Molly doesn't like getting her photo taken though. turns her head as soon as she a camera, so this is the best of an indifferent bunch.

Elsewhere... beautiful sunny morning which lifts the spirits and my spirits sure need lifted at present. I booked the last flight (Siem Reap to PP) before going off to meet S at the Pleasance. Then a few hours at my desk. The plan had been to finish at 1. I left at 2.30. however, there was a small win, about a date next month that involves 3 folk going to London. sanity prevailed.

I'd arranged to take mum to Tesco where I also bought far too much stuff. The later departure meant it was pretty much dusk by the time I got home. No heavenly dancers tonight. I missed them last night, but I've seen them before, in the back garden in Inverurie.

#2 son was 'resting' before going out which left me with catch up tv, stuffed vine leaves and trying to decide what to do with the second half of the holiday. It appears that Perhentian and Tioman are fully booked so now I'm looking at Sarawak and Sabah. Decisions, decisions.

Well that's February over!

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