Selfie-year project

By Diegomon

Galleri Närbild

Welcome! Today was my first photo-exhbibition's opening. It was very exciting to see the people's reactions and listen to their comments.

I'm really thankful to all of my friends and people who joined me yesterday.

Thanks to Lisa and Martin, who made it possible and gave me the opportunity to expose in their gallery.

Very special thanks to Isabella, who helped me with the mounting and represented a huge emotional support.

Thank you so much to Madeleine, who was the first guest and blessed the opening with her presence.

Thanks a lot also to Sofia and big congrats for your birthday (in advance)!

Huge thanks to Johanna, Ulrika, Camilla, Lasse, Michaela, Amanda, Sigon, Carin, Pegah, Lo, Teresa (and dad) and all the people I met just there!

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