Edinburgh Goon Show....

....another year on and the Edinburgh Scout and Guide Gang Show celebrates its 50th season. I'm taking my lot along tonight to watch the thespian scout leaders and remind them how lucky they are to have me....a 'normal' scout leader.

I suspect it was a genuine disappointment to some when the guides were admitted to the show cast in the 1960s and the blokes didn't have to play female parts anymore.....a lost opportunity to legitimise their interest in wearing dresses.

The image is of my coveted red neckie presented to all members of the gang down the years. Anyway, 1,2.3...We're riding along on the crest of a wave and the sun is in the sky.....camptastic fun.

Edit: Well, just back and despite there being plenty of woman to play female parts, there are two sketches with Scout Leaders in dresses.......it's blindingly obvious how much they enjoy it.

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