My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Chantry Mansion

I had to work for a few hours today, so as it was a lovely afternoon I stopped off at Chantry Park, to the west of Ipswich and only a few miles from home. The site is of 50 hectares and has parkland, a mansion and a walled garden.
The mansion was built in 1700 and changed hands many times. In 1927 it was purchased by a George Gooday with the intention to build a housing estate. A Mr Arthur Churchman intervened and purchased both the house and park and presented it to Ipswich Borough to be used as a public amenity and to be held in trust for the people of Ipswich. Since that time the mansion has been leased as a nursing home, currently by Sue Ryder. The walled gardens are used by the Borough's parks department.
The park was opened by Princess Mary in 1928.
This photograph is of one of the ancient cedar trees, with the mansion in the background.
It must be getting on for four years since I've been to the park and I couldn't believe how neglected it all looks now. Once beautiful statuary has been vandalised, fountains broken and a beautiful lake has become overgrown. Trees haven't been pruned and are misshapen and beautiful rose beds have been ripped out and grassed over but not properly. All that said, I did notice several blip opportunities there so I will be visiting again.

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