Silent Football

Up early and took Juno to the allotment, I replanted a damson that the wind had toppled. Met a couple of the dog walkers and chatted.

On the way home I got a call from the referee organiser, our ref would not be making the game due ot very understandable reasons.

Home and then to football. I was taking the 15s, only 11 available today but they were superb. We decided to let the girls referee it themselves with a bit of coach intervension when required. They played a very good team, and looked like they were in for a tough day. Great spirit and they made a game of it and played great passing football. It was a delight to take them.

Cleaned out the chickens, caught 3 longtails and let the hens run around the garden. I had gardening chores while eco mum was at the hairdressers.

Then to my allotment with 2 apple trees tied to the roof of the car. Planted the trees on my plot and home to a lovely tea with eco mum.

Superb drama tonight, it is getting excellent.

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