The story so far...



We woke up feeling much healthier today so mummy and daddy decided to treat the boys by taking a day trip to the London aquarium.
Cam was in an amazing mood at the station and loved waiting for the train and watching the world go by on the ride to London. Even ollie was loving flirting with the other passengers.
We decided to have sushi for lunch but cam decided he wasn't hungry whereas as Oliver was desperate for a taste of mummy's food. He had to make do with butternut squash purée instead.
As the aquarium was ridiculously busy we decided to walk from the south bank to regents street to visit hamleys. Cam loved wondering round the famous toy shop and the boys were even treated to a present each.
As cam was fighting sleep we walked all the way back (made up for missing buggyfit yesterday I think) so he had a chance to nap.
The aquarium had quietened down dramatically when we returned and the boys loved looking at all the fish. Ollie got to experience it from the ergo so he could have a real nosey around whilst cam ran from tank to tank. It all got too much for poor cam and he dropped before we finished and unfortunately spiking a temperature too on the way home. Lots of medicine and mummy cuddles were required and even if he was feeling rotten by the end of the day both babies seemed to have a great day, as did mummy and daddy!

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